Monday, November 17, 2008

I'm a hazard to myself.

He said why does it seem too late?

When I came home, Snowy wanted to play. She was running and wagging her tail impossibly fast. It was her over enthusiasm that didn't seem right. Each time I tried to step into my room, she barked again and urged me to join her in play. I saw guilt in her bright, shiny eyes. When I turned back, I saw my teddy bear, Cornelius on the ground.

Stinking of her drool and wet from her saliva, did she hope that I wouldn't scold her? The moment I turned back to her, she ran. But the guilt and shame was burning so intensely within her that I could see it through her eyes. She licked my hand apologetically, but what's done is done - my Sasha bear, my Cornelius needs a bath soon.

I wonder if she saw the disappointment in my eyes. I know I saw it in your's, but I just couldn't find the right words.

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