Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Cast away.

Imagine this, just for a brief moment.

You're feeling grains of sand under your feet. No, not the ideal vacation beach type of sand - not the soft smooth white sand. I'm talking about the hard big grains of sands. The one that grinds the sole of your feet to a raw state, to a rawness that makes the pain so unbearable that it might actually begin to numb.

Well, now imagine that you're on a huge island covered with sand that coarse. And not just some tiny insignificant island - not a Singapored sized island. More like an island thrice the size of Singapore. A deserted island though. Oh, but things get better - you have company! Blood related - possibly a relative or maybe even a biological sister.

But, wait, don't rejoice too soon. She's lost her mind, turned carnivorous and hunting you down like a prey. She wants food and you're her only option. You're her nearest, easiest option. She's tired, starved, and has lost insanity, while you're fatigue and feeling half-dead.

She's been an important figure in your life, she means everything, but what do you do now? Fight it out with her till one of you ends up a scorched dead carcass across the sand? Or do you run, and keep running till you find something close to a sanctuary?

There's a cave somewhere around, you recall. Oh, but you remember the distance it is from here - a long three day walk. And taking your level of fatigue into accord, would you still carry on? Would you still have the energy and determination to get there?

I'd say, in that state, it's all you've got left.

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