Wednesday, October 8, 2008

It's a phobia.

I remember screaming you will come back right? You must!

I was four when my Mummy first sent me off to school - Kindergarten. I was all happy and pumped up. The first day of school, who wouldn't be anyway? Mummy was telling me about how brave my sister was for not shedding a tear when my Mummy sent her off on the first day. I told her I'd be braver.

When we got to the school, and Mummy kissed me on the forehead and said bye, I started to tear up. I clung on to her hand, I feared that she'd never return. I knew she would return, of course, she promissd me, and I trusted her. But there was still this fear. And I cried like a baby, the entire day. I refused to leave the window grilles till she returned.

151,200 more seconds.

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